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STEM Success AR

4.2 ( 8992 ratings )
نمط الحياة التعليم
المطور: Ui Chung Cho

3D CAD App
CAD app visualizes interactive 3D CAD models for engineering subject. The app recognizes 2D layout CAD models on a textbook through a camera mounted in a headset. Upon the detection of user’s hand gesture input, the app displays 3D CAD model for isotropic and cross-section views.

Chemistry App
Chemistry app demo version demonstrates the interactive 3D construction of molecules. This app help students learn chemical bondings and molecular geometry by interacting with atoms. The app recognizes an atomic table on a textbook when a user sees it through the headset. If the user’s hand or finger locates a specific atom on the table, a 3D graphic object that corresponds the atom is overplayed on the table image. As the user’s hand moves, the atom moves together attached to the finger. When the atom is close to the other atom for a molecule, it creates a bond and detaches from the finger.

Anatomy App
Anatomy app visualizes a human skeleton in 3D. Human skeleton is categorized into 11 regions: Skull & Spines, Chest, Pelvis, Left/right arm, Left/right leg, Left/right hand, Left/right foot. After target image recognition, the anatomy app displays a start window with entire 3D skeleton. A region window with detail bones is displayed according to user input. Key features of anatomy apps include: (1) Manipulation of 3D skeleton model: zoom in/out, rotation, pan using finger touch, (2) Exploded view with a text label for each bone.

1. Download STEM App.
2. Download the PDF files and print it (or open it from the computer).
3. Scan the corresponding image to start the App.
4. Once the scan is done, aim the phone away from the target image

- To move 3D object, press it for more than 2 second and drag it.
- To scale it, use two fingers
- To point it, point with one finger